
Resources for Parents & Families
What services are available to help WorkFirst parents prepare for work?
WorkFirst offers a variety of services to help parents prepare for work, including information needed to find housing, reliable transportation, child care, or child support. To identify abilities and barriers that affect a parent’s ability to prepare for work, WorkFirst staff will first complete a Comprehensive Evaluation (CE) with the parent. The Comprehensive Evaluation is used to quickly evaluate their work history, educational and training needs, abilities, and interests to identify the most appropriate employment goals (plan). Once the plan is in place, WorkFirst staff and partners will work with the parent to engage them in appropriate activities that will prepare them to go to work.
Activities may include:
- Employment Services (including Job Search, On-the-Job Training and/or Job Readiness)
- Commerce Employment Programs (Community Jobs, Job Connection/Career Jump and Career Development).
- Education and Training including:
- Vocational Education
- Training
- Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST)
- High-Wage, High Demand (HWHD)
- Basic Skills
- GED preparation
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- and/or family literacy)
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Pathway Services
- Barrier Removal (including Chemical Dependency, Domestic Violence, Disabilities)
WorkFirst families may also qualify for support services to help with transportation, work clothing or uniform costs.
What support services are available to help parents looking for work?
WorkFirst parents looking for work can get help paying for child care cost through the Working Connections Child Care program. In addition, support to pay for transportation, work clothing and uniform costs, and other approved services like food assistance, medical, and/or emergency assistance is available.
What services and supports may be available once parent(s) go to work and leave TANF?
- Continued help with the costs of child care through Working Connections Child Care.
- Possible Child Support payments.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) to continue education goals and find a job or career.